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SoulHer Pieces is a healing and wellness company that focuses on creating custom pieces for healing through natural means. 


For the longest time jewelry has always been an ornamenatation adorned for solely beauty/status, and costs an arm and a leg to buy. If you couldn’t afford it you had to settle for much cheaper alternatives that lack the quality, value and aesthetic.


SoulHer Pieces aims to not only solve this problem, but also add an important contribution to jewelry wear by adding the element of healing. The jewelry produced by SoulHer Pieces is affordable and uses crystal energy; each piece is one-of-a-kind and invokes the vital force of nature to awaken the healing power within. Every piece is handmade and carefully crafted and charged with positive energy, resulting in uniquely beautiful jewelry that fit any occasion, while simultaneously helping you feel better.


We combine extensive research with well sourced materials to get you started on your journey to wellness. With SoulHer Pieces we aim to reconnect you with mother nature so you can begin your healing process.

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